A Replica of a Rarity; the Halberstadt D IV.
This modern flying reproduction of the ultra rare Halberstadt D IV, of which only three were built, sits incongruously in a corner of the...

'Arry Tate; the ungainly Arr Eee Ate.
A notorious machine from the Great War has been added to the site. After a photo shoot at the Aviation Heritage Centre at Omaka, I came...

A classic if ever there was one; the MiG-21 'Fishbed'.
Artem Mikoyan's classic MiG-21 supersonic fighter is the subject of the most recent addition to the site. A remarkable success story for...

Meet 'Judy' - rare D4Y dive bomber in Tokyo.
Without a doubt, the best performing aircraft in its class during World War Two, the excellent Yokosuka D4Y Suisei (Comet), or 'Judy' to...

New Links Added.
Lying dormant since the site first went live, the links page has been updated. Aviation and modelling related forums have been added, as...

A Celestial Body in Uruguay.
One of the earliest jet powered aircraft to be built, maverick Lockheed designer Kelly Johnson's P-80 Shooting Star was developed in...

The 'Oxbox'; Unassuming Greatness.
One of the great aircraft of World War Two, the Airspeed Oxford was a widely utilised air crew trainer, which undertook its duties...

A Worthy Workhorse from Cessna.
Cessna's Model 185 is a venerable workhorse around the world and when the opportunity to do a walkaround of this classic arose, I leaped...

A Ghostly Apparition from Milan.
The latest addition to the site is the unique and rather special Caproni Ca.22 parasol monoplane. Constructed in 1913 by Giovanni...

Gallery pages added to North American's Finest.
Image Galleries have been added to the T-6 Harvard and P-51 Mustang pages. These are photos I have taken over the years of these great...