National Treasures; The Supermarine S.6 Survivors.
My latest walkaround is of the two surviving Supermarine S.6 floatplanes, designed by Reginald Mitchell and his team at the Supermarine...

The Big, Brave Beaufort.
In his analysis of the Bristol Beaufort torpedo bomber in the May 2007 issue of Aeroplane Monthly, Roger Hayward describes the aircraft...

Soviet Success Story; the Lisunov Li-2.
My next walkaround is the Lisunov Li-2, which has graduated from a few grainy images taken during the days of 35mm film on a visit to the...

New Year, New Look...
...To Certain pages, that is. My UK trip in 2018 gave me the opportunity to redo some walkarounds of aircraft that currently feature on...

An Unlikely Warbird; Caudron G.III
At the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the guns fell silent. The Armistice was signed and the fighting ceased -...

Welcome to the New Age; Bell Boeing's V-22 Osprey.
When I set out to do this I didn't think I would get the opportunity to do a walkaround of the V-22 Osprey, but it arose during this...

The Long Road to Redemption; The Boulton Paul Defiant.
You might be wondering about the slightly puzzling title, but it's simple. What most people think they know about the Boulton Paul...

American Muscle; the T-28 Trojan.
Its big, brash, noisy and has heaps of horsepower; yes, the T-28 is an ugly brute, but one packed with merit.To operate, I've been told,...

Two Rarities Added; Curtiss F8C Helldiver and FMA I.A.-33 Pulqui II.
Two very different machines have been added to my site; the first, a reproduction built for a movie role and the second a prototype of a...

White Swan or Ugly Duckling? Harbin's SH-5 Flying Boat.
The newest addition to my site is the Harbin SH-5 anti-ship/anti-submarine flying boat. This rather large and impressive aircraft is...