American Muscle; the T-28 Trojan.
Its big, brash, noisy and has heaps of horsepower; yes, the T-28 is an ugly brute, but one packed with merit.To operate, I've been told,...

Commonwealth P-40 Additions.
After a break from things as a result of life intervening - and a trip abroad to photograph more delicious aeroplanes, I have added some...

Goodbye New Zealand; Mosquito T.III TV959 is dismantled.
After a few brief test flights - and the odd air-to-air photo shoot for posterity, the latest de Havilland Mosquito to fly, T.III TV959...

Gallery pages added to North American's Finest.
Image Galleries have been added to the T-6 Harvard and P-51 Mustang pages. These are photos I have taken over the years of these great...